Category: Uncategorized

  • Final Final Final Project

    For my project, i decided to Analyze my favorite bands lyrics and add them to a wikipedia page that other fans could comment on and subsequently grow. Here is a link to the project: . This website will guide you through various political events that took place at the time Megadeth wrote these albums,…

  • Course Audit

    Wow. I finished digital humanities. I struggled a lot in this course, I think because I’m not very computer oriented and have a short patience. I can recall multiple times when I felt like putting a brand new fist hole in my laptop. That being said, the exercises that I understood were fairly fun, I…

  • Reflecting on the readings

    In my reflections on the readings, I saw a connection between the experiences created by mobile apps and the idea of digital literacy . The way mobile apps can pull us into a different reality shows how important it is to use digital art to help people read and understand better. Thinking about all this,…

  • Mid-course reflection

    This course has been fun. I’ve had a lot of struggles with it, but it has still remained probably my favorite course this semester. Grant Potter is extremely helpful and considerate, as well as accomodating. I havent really interacted a whole lot with the students, but the ones I have have been nice. As far…

  • Week 8

    For my story map, I decided to do the studio recording history of my Favorite band, Megadeth. I didnt really struggle at all with the website or making the map, I found it all came together super easily and was quite simple to use. I did have to research some facts about the band and…

  • Project proposal

    For my project proposal, I have decided to do something that I am passionate about, that being music. Music has always been in my life and has been a friend to me when no one else has. Music has saved me from suicide, due to the thought of “What if I don’t get to watch…

  • Poem about UNBC

    There once was a school in the northWhere students of all kinds came forthThey studied and learnedAnd degrees they earnedAt the University of Northern British Columbia The campus was nestled in treesWith buildings that sometimes would freezeBut the people were warmAnd they weathered the stormAt the University of Northern British Columbia The programs were varied…

  • Week 4 Here is a link to the PDF I chose. I used the app Microsoft lens. I first took the scan and uploaded it, but when I uploaded it, it uploaded as a JPG, not a PDF. I used a JPG to PDF converter to fix this issue. I could definitly use this for other…